Week One – 3// Sunday Photo Fiction: Max



“Hurry!” Max shouted over his shoulders.

I could barely keep up, we were running down a slope towards the river bank. “Why are we doing this again?” I shouted.

Max stopped, “I told you, we need to find the girl and help her”

I had never been to the river before, but I had heard at school about this house which crossed the river bank. Max had always been, what most people would call, a strange child. I didn’t entirely believe him about this girl who needed help. “Right, Yes, to help this girl” I replied.

We got to the edge of the bank, and I saw his eyes search the river, the house, and finally rested on the river bed. “Oh no!” He shouted. “She’s fallen in!”

I looked into the water and frowned.


A splash.

I turned, “Max!”


This short story was written for the Sunday Photo Fiction challenge. This is a challenge where one writes a small piece of fiction, 200 words or less in response to a photo (shown above).