WOW. I’m actually in shock! So I’ve been nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely Laura, her blog is livingmylifelikeme; definitely, go and check her out! I didn’t see the comment for a while so this is a little late but enjoy!


  1. Mention and acknowledge the blog that nominated you, and displays the award logo.
  2. Answer the 11 questions that the blogger who nominated you gave you.
  3. Tell 11 facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate between 5-12 blogs.
  5. Also, make sure to notify these bloggers of their nomination.
  6. Finally, give them 11 questions to answer.


  • What is your favourite childhood memory?
    • My favourite childhood memory is probably when I would spend the summer holidays in England, with my older brother and all we would do is play different board games and watch movies. Literally, all summer. I think these are some of my best memories because he’s away at university at the moment so I don’t get to see him as often. Also, we were best friends then.

Board game

  • If you could go anywhere in the world for a week, where would you go?
    • This is an easy one, hands down, Thailand! Seems a bit basic, but if you look into it then you’ll understand. The culture, the people, urgh I would live there for the rest of my life if I could. Thailand is stunning and I definitely going to make a plan to spend a month there, at least.


  • When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried?
    • I have examples, but here’s one that sticks out to me. We were watching Cars (the movie) and I don’t know if any of you have seen it, but there is a part where they go tractor tipping and the tractors act like cows, start tipping and fall over. It doesn’t sound hilarious but at the time it was so funny and my sister was laughing so hard she started to wet herself (yeah grim…) and that just set me off! I laughed so hard, I cried… If you haven’t watched it, here’s a link  
  • What is your favourite period in history?
    • I’m not much of a historian but probably the time of Shakespeare, so the 1500s. Just because, I’ve read some of his works and possibly because Romeo and Juliet the movie has Leonardo DiCaprio and he’s my one true love so… I’m not mad.



  • If you could time travel, would you go back to the past, or forward to the future?
    • Definitely the future. I’m a big believer in living the past in the past. In real life, you cannot undo anything which is why we should always look forward. No matter what is going wrong at the moment, I strongly believe the future will always be better. PLUS, the future is going to be pretty cool, I mean although the world may end and we may run out of fuel, I think we’re going to figure out so many cool, new inventions and if I travelled to the future, I’d get a sneak preview 😉

Related image

  • What is your favourite thing about blogging?
    • Being able to express feelings and passions in a good way. I think so many people think that writing online is a bad thing and so often people do use the internet and social media to promote bad things. I dislike that. I think blogging is a way that I am able to spread a positive influence but also to give people an insight into my life because obviously, I’m sooooo interesting (please note: my second language is sarcasm). Blogging is a way to meet people and also to learn about different cultures and different environments, it’s just interesting.

Image result for blogging

  • Who was the last person you said ‘I love you’ to?
    • Probably my mum… let’s be real, I’m single as. But truly, I do love my mum, she is an amazing person! She gave birth to me also so I can’t really complain…

Image result for love

  • What was the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
    • This wasn’t really a weird dream but more of a weird coincidence. So, I play the flute and when I was in Year 8 (13-14), I was doing my grade 3 on the flute. I literally love playing the flute, so I was stressing about it for days. One night, I had a dream about my exam and it went so well, and I got my exam results and got a distinction!! (This is the highest of the highest). Anyway, the next day, I had my flute exam and I told my mum about the dream and literally, I’m not kidding you my exam went exactly as my dream… yep! you guessed it, I got my exam results in the post and I got a distinction!! That was one of the weirdest experiences ever, but I was so so happy!

Image result for flute exam

  • How do you keep occupied on rainy days?
    • Like a normal person, I watch Netflix… is there anything else to do? I’m a netflixaholic, literally, you name it, I’ve watched it. 🙂

Image result for netflix

  • If you could be anything or anyone for one day, who or what would you be?
    • I’m gonna do two things: first, if I was anything, I would be a bird. Not just any bird, one that flies away on holiday in the winter. Because of free travel, why else?…and also I think it would be so cool to be able to see everything from above and I think they have a long lifespan… correct me if I’m wrong. And second, if I was anyone else, I would be the President of the United States, not Donald Trump, just another President because I just feel a need to help fix that country. No offence Americans, you just need gun laws. Urgently.



  • In a world without internet or phones, what would you invent to communicate?
    • Telepathy. Come on, what else? I would invent like a device or a chip which you could put on your body (preferably not inside your body) and this would connect to your central nervous system and send information to your brain so that you can receive and send messages instantly. On the other hand, we could just use our mouths, those are wonderful things as well…


Hope you enjoyed that, a little weird insight into my brain, ok so next step… 11 facts about me.

11 FACTS: 

  1. I love superheroes like love is probably an understatement. Literally. Love Love Love.
  2. I’m half-Nigerian and half-Barbadian.
  3. I live for food, lol that’s really sad, but I literally love cooking, eating, the whole works…
  4. I put on a full face of makeup, just because it’s fun. Oh, and highlighter is my favourite thing to use. I have way way way too much.
  5. I am 17 turning 18 at the end of Jan.
  6. I am an Instagram fanatic, I love taking photos and editing and posting.
  7. I want to be a doctor one day, so I am studying A Levels at the moment, which is why I go on a month-long break every now and then, lol, I’m trying not to let that happen too much anymore.
  8. I am probably the most indecisive person, you will ever meet, I literally can’t stick with one blog name… more coming on that soon.
  9. I am one of 4.
  10. I am v v honest, slightly too honest. Which also leads to me being v v opinionated.
  11. I am a Latter-day Saint, Mormon, whatever you wanna call us (please note: we are Christians, it is a religion…) – lol more on that soon as well.



  1. The Dreamgirl Writes 
  2. Chloe Lauren at Diary of a Lonely Girl
  3. Najida at Life As Najida
  4. Loreile Joy at Myself and Teas
  5. Reema at Urban Like Me
  6. Megan Roylee 
  7. Tina at Thinapieee
  8. Nicolle at Stories of a Highly Sensitive Introvert
  9. Charlie in the universe

Please note: I decided to look through at a load of new blogs because I wanted to discover new people to nominate; so some people I’ve been following for a while and some I just started following today, but I hope you all enjoy this award.



  1. If you had to change your name, what would your new name be and why?
  2. What is the dumbest way you’ve been injured?
  3. Who is your greatest inspiration?
  4. What would be the hardest thing for you to give up?
  5. What is one thing you desperately want to accomplish in life?
  6. If you could have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
  7. What was the last lie you told?
  8. If you had to be one age for the rest of your life, what age would it be?
  9. What cheers you up on a bad day?
  10. What is your go to movie of all time?
  11. Who is the one person you turn to for everything and why?


Thank you for reading, I’m so grateful to be able to have this opportunity, it was very fun. I hope you all enjoyed learning a bit more about me and my blog. I hope you all are having a good holiday and Christmas (if you celebrate). More fun things are coming for everyone in the new year!


Peace out, Accidental Aspirationalists xx

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